Pepsi has a new patriotic can coming out with pictures of the Empire State Bldg. and the Pledge of Allegiance on them. But Pepsi forgot two little words on the pledge, "Under God." Pepsi said they did not want to offend anyone. If this is true then we do not want to offend anyone at the Pepsi corporate office. If we do not buy any Pepsi product then they will not receive any of our monies. Our money, after all, has the words "Under God" on it. Please pass this word to everyone you know. Tell your Sunday School class and tell your Pastors so that they can tell the whole congregation. Christians, stand up and let your voices be heard. We want the words "under God" to be read by every person.
This of course was bogus. Come on People! Why would anyone believe this garbage? They believe it because it satisfies their self-fulfilling prophecy. They believe it because they want to believe it. THINK about it; there is no way a corporation the size of Pepsi would ever allow a product depict something that a huge majority of consumers would oppose! They are not stupid. The shareholders would have a cow over this.
Again people...THINK. Check it out for yourself whenever you hear something that makes absolutely no sense.